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Old 09-21-2005, 05:17 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: How athletic are you?

Am I the only one that thinks these results are probably inverted?

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Agreed. There's no way in hell this high a percentage of any population is in the top 20%.

Most people become very unathletic very quickly after high school, where sports prowess is about the most valued thing among their peers, and after college, where staying trim to be able to compete for all the fine hotties is about the most valued thing among their peers. The average person eats like crap and way too much and spends an incredible amount of time in front of the t.v. I'd guess the average guy is at best 50% as good athletically as he thinks or says he is. That seems to have some reflection in the roughly 40% of people above who say they're in the top 20%.

The reason people will spend over a thousand bucks on an exercise machine they don't even use isn't because they want to be in shape, which they could do for free, but because they're lazy as hell and want miracles to get them out of the crappy health jam they've lazed themselves into.

As for myself, I picked the 61-80% category. I work out about three a week, and hard, and do light work on a couple of days more, but I'm coming back from being really out of shape for a long time, so I have some catching up to do, especially aerobically, as mostly I'm lifting weights. I couldn't pick top 20% if I didn't feel like I had pretty significant aerobic capacity.

The thing is, though, that the average Joe takes care of himself so poorly that it doesn't take all that much to be in much better shape than nost of the people around you without actually being in very good shape.
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