Thread: getting a nano
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Old 09-21-2005, 02:49 PM
chuddo chuddo is offline
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Default Re: getting a nano

just a quick headsup.

i ordered my black engraved nano on the 13th, with estimated arrival of the 20th.

still haven't gotten it because it has been held in customs in shezhuan china for the past week, and it is still there in limbo.

i talked to the fedrex international people today and they said it was because of some numbers not matching up with the documentation apple sent with a batch of engraved nanos.

i have also spoke with apple about it today, and they said it was a big gay situation and they are trying to get it taken care of. basically the young girl was saying "the stupid chinese screwed everything up."

i received a $25.00 concession off of my ipod bill, but i am still pretty chapped about it. particularly because they couldn't give me an estimate on when it will be taken care of.

but all my bitching aside: go ahead and get it engraved. it is free, and it customizes it. just hope you don't get shafted like myself.
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