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Old 09-21-2005, 12:37 PM
VoraciousReader VoraciousReader is offline
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Default Re: PF question, raising after posting

For 65s, I'd rather have 8 players see the flop for 1 bet, than 4 for 2. Plus by raising, I reopen the action for the whole table to 3-bet/cap me.

Occasionally I'll find myself at a table where I think there are enough players paying attention to make an advertising play worthwhile. This almost never happens to me though, live or online. And I'd need a read that it would be worthwhile before I'd do it, which pretty much eliminates me doing it at a table where I've just posted.

The only value I think this might have is buying me the button on subsequent rounds. I just don't think it's worth it at the games I play.

There are scenarios where I'd raise with this, but this isn't one of them.
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