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Old 09-17-2003, 09:19 AM
RockLobster RockLobster is offline
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Default Re: How bad can it get?

Hi Shaun--

I swear I could have written this (exepct you've been playing longer). I have just (i.e. the last couple of days) broken out of my worst ever streak: Down $800+ in about a week of 2/4 and 3/6, mostly Party (would have been much worse if I hadn't experimented with 5/10 and won $450 in that session).

I discussed this a bit with JTG51 and decided to take a few weeks off. That changed to 1 week, and ended up being about 4 days w/o playing. The reason for the time off was that my confidence was totally shot... I expected to lose every hand (and managed to do just that... well not EVERY hand, but WAY more than I should have).

I also backed off of 3/6 altogether, and just played 2/4. I've been playing very simple poker (back to basics) and this has helped me out. I cut my $800 deficit in half, then half again. I feel a lot better.

That's what I've done. Feel free to unload any bad beats on me, maybe seeing your name in lights will call attention to your situation with the poker gods, and they may decide to have mercy on you. (Not everyone knows this, but the poker gods visit my site regularly.)

Good luck.
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