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Old 09-21-2005, 08:58 AM
climber climber is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 53
Default Re: HULA ML Week 6 is finally here!

Ok here is timprov's latest work on overall standings getting us up to date:
Update before Week 6. Two from Week 5 are still undecided.

bds 4-1 (13-12)
goofball 4-1 (12-11)
ihardlyknowher 3-1 (13-8)
raisins 3-2 (13-13)
dave44 2-2 (14-10)
baronzeus 2-2 (12-10)
TMFS9 2-2 (10-12)
climber 2-3 (12-12)
WiteKnite 0-4 (10-14)
stealthcow 0-4 (6-13)

Currently these matches are outstanding:

Week 1: Rory/GetThere1Time (I think this was still Rory, yes?)
Week 2: crazygoose/tongni; ike/GetThere1Time
Week 3: Milo/billyjex
Week 4: crazygoose/Alobar; colgin/GetThere1Time
Week 5: Bob L/GetThere1Time; scotch78/goofball; three matches from stealthcow/baronzeus

ihardlyknowher, what's up with GetThere1Time?

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