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Old 09-21-2005, 06:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Charge the behemoths more

I'm new here. Can somebody tell me where to find out what this means? I can take it if it's bad.

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It's short for 'You Should Seriously Consider Killing Yourself'. Just be thankful he didn't suggest that you SIIHP which would have arguably been worse in this particular instance.


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Now this is just plain wrong on any number of levels. First, it doesn't square with the first responder. Who should I believe? *Sicky* is one thing but this one is rough. Tough crowd. I can handle it, though. I'm ok, I'm ok. Second, what if I were vulnerable to that suggestion? After all, here I am posting stupid stuff in the middle of the night, my time, to a internet poker forum, anonymously. How centered can I be?

But worse, far worse, here you come and mention a SIIHP without telling me what it is so that I have to wait for the next samaritan to come along and let me know.

The horror, the horror.
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