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Old 09-21-2005, 05:21 AM
mikech mikech is offline
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Default Re: New to smoking, a few q\'s

Alright, I just learned how to smoke (21 years old). I absolutely LOVE the buzz I get from smoking, but I hear that if you smoke too often you lose the buzz (and will get addicted to smoking). I have no intention of getting addicted; I'm pretty sure I can control myself. What frequency can I smoke and still expect to get a buzz everytime I smoke?

If it was only 1 cigarette per week, I'd be fine with that. But the last thing I want to do is get addicted and/or lose the buzz I get from smoking. Also, what brands do you guys like for casual smoking? I've only tried marlbro red medium 100s (or something like that) and some sort of Swisher Sweets.

Also, let's say I actually stick to only smoking once every other day or something, how unhealthy is this for me?

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1. You'll develop a tolerance pretty quick, eventually you will lose the buzz, and get a sense of "satisfaction" or impact from smoking. No buzz, unless you consume faily large amount of nicotine, such as from a big cigar or dipping.

2. I think that in general you can smoke 1-3 cigs a week without getting addicted, addiction to smoking has a large psychological element. You'll gradually lose your sense of fine taste if you become a regular smoker.

3. What to smoke is the eternal question? if you like cigarettes, The major National brands are all good, I personally think American Spirit is the best of the US packaged cigarettes. There are some very good roll-your-own tobacco's around these days.

Of course if you really like cigarette's try Djarum Special's, clove cigarette's are just plain the best smoking experience around IMHO.

Cigar's are fun, of the cheap drugstore cigar's I like Backwoods Black (unlike alot of folks I don't mind flavored tobacco.) Of real cigar's H Upmann, or Zino Davidoff. Macanudo's are a good mild cigar for the starting smoker.

Pipes are probably the most interesting though.

4. It's a very unhealthy habit, in every possible way smoking is bad for you. Nonsmoker's really don't like smokers, and in general people will think you are an idiot for smoking, and they will be right. Omni and Eclipse are the only two "Reduced Harm" cigarette's on the market. Both of them are fascinating products, but rather rare.

If your looking for the nicotine buzz, snuff/chew is much safer than any form of smoking tobacco.

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finally, an objective, informative, and non-judgmental post. instead of the finger-wagging, "you'll get addicted," "smoking will kill you" idiocy that's been going on.

fwiw, i've smoked less than a carton of cigarettes in my whole life, my mom smokes and i've been urging her to quit for years, i would not date a girl who smokes, and i'm glad nyc passed the law prohibiting smoking in bars. all that being said, i enjoyed smoking! the enjoyment was outweighed by the health risks, the bad smell, the general nastiness of the habit, so i stopped. but who am i to tell anyone else that they can't decide otherwise? i suppose all you just-say-no nits also want to reinstate prohibition (alcohol will kill your liver and brain cells; alcoholism destroys families and lives)? do you ever eat red meat? i hear that's bad for you too. have you ever been in a car and not fastened your seatbelt? do you stay inside a frickin' bubble to protect you from all the microbes surrounding you? sheesh.

if the OP wants to be a casual smoker, he should go ahead. if he thinks he can do it in moderation and has the self-discipline not to get addicted, he knows better than we do whether or not that's true. i've told him that in my own experience it can certainly be done and wasn't at all a big deal. and if he does get addicted, guess what, it's his life, he can do whatever he wants with it.
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