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Old 09-20-2005, 09:02 PM
TheGame1020 TheGame1020 is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: The Burgh
Posts: 75
Default Re: Excellent Advice. Just One Thing . . .

I give you credit Cat to post something like this. It seems posters on this forum seem to slam the game that we all love more than it deserves. What if the college student hates school, he hates going to class, and he will do nothing but blow his parents money. Then what?? Should he stay in school and do nothing, NO.

What if he cannot be convinced that school is the right path and choses to [censored] off and not go. He enjoys poker and choses that path. "Just go to school, finish college." is what they all say. But guess what, I know alot of people who went to college and make 50k their whole life and HATE their jobs. Sure not everyone hates their jobs, but A LOT do.

As Ed has even said be [censored] resposible about it though, save your money. Invest it put it away, don't spend money on tons of materialist [censored].
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