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Old 09-16-2003, 05:24 PM
iblucky4u2 iblucky4u2 is offline
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Posts: 192
Default Re: O/8 5-10 $500 Drawdown - Normal?

OTC - here are three points I hope help you:

1 - 10 hours of getting your brains beat by poor players will sap you of focus - causing us to attract those "bad beats." Table image is very important and there will be days when we have targets on our backs, so... quit before your focus and bankroll are gone.

2 - You say "All the major losses were from heavy action pots when I was chasing a draw to the nut straight/flush" - one thing to remember about O/8 - when you are drawing to the nuts but there is already a low made rarely do you get good pot odds. People with the low & a backup are free rolling on you. You will find them hitting the full house on bottom 2 when they have the low made or hitting those low flushes that kill your top set, flush or str8. This is the most expensive mistake made by even the better O/8 players. Save your $ for draws that you can/will scoop. These are the hands where you can make those low draws pay bigtime! Play only top sets and when the board pairs, make those playing bottom 2 pay - especially when there is no low.

3 - You say that you played only premium hands pre-flop, then you state "Occasionally played a KKxx suited" - sounds like less than a premium hand to me! Don't decieve yourself into thinking you are playing tight when you are not. This is easy to do after 10 hours at the table - see #1 above.

$500 in 10 hours works out to only 5 BBs per hour - easy to do at the tables. Losing 5 BBs/hour is ok, but after several hours it's time to spot the trend. Be aware that some days the O/8 gods are not on your side, set yourself a loss limit that you can handle financially AND emotionally and stick to it.
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