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Old 09-20-2005, 02:32 PM
RJT RJT is offline
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Default Re: The Anguish of Nonbelievers


Let me interrupt myself again and say that I would appreciate an answer that does not turn the issue to what believers might or might not believe or think. (This seems to happen often.) I am seriously interested in what atheists think.


Your logic:

Atheists don't believe in a god --> They don't care about earth or anything
Theists believe in a god --> They care about stuff

These jumps do not follow logically. If I don't believe there's a god controlling day-to-day events on earth, couldn't I be MORE not less interested in understanding the world, how it works, and how to preserve it, rather than rely on a God and his will to just let things take their course. Conversely if you believe in a heaven and afterlife, couldn't you care LESS and not more about other topics beyond securing salvation?

You have it backasswards.


Again, please, no deflecting the answer with the irrationality of believers and any nonsense that might motivate them.

RJT, now:

I did not in any way, shape, or form say that since atheists don’t believe in a god that they don’t care about anything. I ASKED if they do or they don’t. If they do I am curious what the primary motivation is.

But, to answer your question about what believers should care about – I agree that a true believer should not be so concerned about the here and now per se. What should motivate a believer beyond that and for future generations is simply the love for his neighbor (and I guess love of God, since a believer believes He created this world) .
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