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Old 09-20-2005, 10:30 AM
RxForMoreCowbell RxForMoreCowbell is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Ohio
Posts: 37
Default Re: why does sklansky spend so much time on the philos section?and other?s


question 6: why do many atheists on this forum despise the ID movement and argue vehemently that it should not be taught in school. assuming it's not legitimate science, so what? if you are an atheist, why the hell would you care whether or not the 'true' scientific theory of origins is taught to your kids. why the hell would it matter? many 'evolutionists' seem to elevate their ideas to such exalted heights and defend it as if disbelief in the theory would lead to eternal suffering of your soul in gehenna. to me it seems irrational for them to care so passionately abou this issue. if i was an atheist, i really wouldnt give a sh*t about what my kids believed about origins.

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I think you seem to be caught in the notion that atheists must believe life is meaningless (in the we should all commit suicide now sense). Most atheists do find some meaning in their life, and for alot of us it could be raising children and contributing professionally in a way to improve the species. Fighting for public schools to teach actual science in science classes seems to fit into both of these goals.
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