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Old 09-20-2005, 07:54 AM
captZEEbo1 captZEEbo1 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
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Default Re: Value of multi-tabling ? (LONG)

1. Difficulty of analysis at the table
I don't have trouble analyzing a situation because I play a bunch of tables, I just analyze quicker.

2. Relatively high bankroll requirements
(in relation to win-rate per table)

What are you talking about? Are you saying since winrate goes down, SD goes up, therefore higher bankroll requirements? I'm way overrolled anyways, so it doesn't matter.

3. Difficult to IMPROVE 'player-playing' ability, as opposed to 'card-playing' ability - when games get tougher will the skills to adapt be there?
This is true.

4. Stress caused by speed of response required must be mentally draining
I am not stressed playing many tables.

5. ABC nature of play required
Again, not true. Maybe some people that multitable just setmine, but I LAG multitable.

6. Game / seat selection may suffer at the desire to play the required number of tables
Just because I'm playing many tables doesn't mean I don't know if a table is good or not.

7. Boredom - to me, it seems like the multi-tablers existence is grim, almost like being on a treadmill.
It's more fun IMO. It's really boring playing just 1.

How many hours do you guys play and how much do you clear?
A shitload for both questions.

Would you enjoy the game more if you only played one table?
Hell no. Well sometimes playing one table of high stakes HU is tolerable, but other than that, no.

Could you make the same amount of money, playing less hours, on one table with better game / seat selection and a smaller bankroll? How would this affect the rest of your non-poker playing day?
No. The rest of my day I would be crying over all the money I lost playing only 1 table.

When I play against the multi-tablers I usually feel as though I know where I am in a hand with them, and take quite a bit of money from them, as I'm sure I can read them better than they can read me.
Probably b/c they suck at poker, and not because you are getting way better e-reads on them.
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