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Old 09-20-2005, 01:23 AM
me454555 me454555 is offline
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Default Re: Female/date advice (high content)

Lykas 101

Don't do all that crap for her b/c it won't get you into her panties any quicker or easier. If she wants to sleep w/you she will. A fancy date won't change her mind one way or another. Once you sleep w/this chick you'll realize that she's no different from her 2 friends and the only reason you want her is b/c you couldn't get her when you had the chance.

What to tell her you've been doing for the last year? Thats easy. Lie. Tell her you've been going to school, or doing an intership in investment banking (close enough to poker) Bottom line, by the time she figures out your a poker player, either she won't care or you won't care. Win win situation.
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