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Old 09-19-2005, 03:23 PM
RJT RJT is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 111
Default Re: Muslim Women\'s Fate

Ahhh.... Sklansky's hell. I can see it now. An endless line of simpleton donks, stretching into eternity, walking up to him and saying "I told you so," as he's surronded by hellfire, burning for all eternity.

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Every 5 minutes someone comes up to you and says, should I make it 3 on the button with AK. Anyway hell is supposed to be the worst thing you can imagine forever right? Well for me I am surrounded by Catholics so I'll keep the fire burning for you guys. See ya there eh.


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If I were in England, like you, I would be more worried about the hell I was in relative to my daily bread, instead of Catholics and our Daily Bread. Move to Italy, where the food is the best and the fine wine flows and you won’t be so bothered being surrounded by us Catholics.


(Unfortunately, I don’t get to Italy as often as I wish I could.)
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