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Old 09-19-2005, 07:22 AM
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Default Re: Were you once lazy?

I don't doubt your IQ at all, you seem intelligent from what I've read in your posts.

Times in life when I've been lazy I haven't thought things through. If you're intelligent and think through your goals, taking action is incredibly easy. Just figure out what you want and think about how to get it until you have a robust working model. For example:

>You want to get better at poker and move up a level:

- Because it's more fun, you have a better quality of life, can buy more things or have more savings, you're making progress as a player, you encounter more interesting people, and more interesting situations. You can blow some money when you feel like it. A night out at a club will be more fun. You can give money to your parents/family or important charity. The number of motivating reasons is only limited by your imagination.

What are some proven ways of getting better?
- Reviewing hands, doing exercises in books, writing out analyses of your play after each session.

How much time will it take?
- Break it down into so little each day/session it's no burden at all and no great change from the established order of things.

What other requirements are there for this to succeed?
- Bankroll, new monitor, etc.

What are the things that hold me back?
- X,Y
What system can I put in place for avoiding/managing X,Y that will work for me?

How do you get up the motivation to do it?
-You keep thinking about WHY you're doing it. Realistically think about what will happen if you don't do it. Compare the two alternatives. No matter how lazy you are 'why' will keep you on the straight and narrow.
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