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Old 09-18-2005, 05:02 PM
slamdunkpro slamdunkpro is offline
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Default Re: Wolf PACs

So, in other words: if you seek media attention......

[/ QUOTE ]

See, this is the whole point. She was invited to the White House with a group of families who lost members in Iraq.

If she really wanted to say something or to meet with the President again, I’m sure there would be a contact route from her prior meeting. The President might have met with her again privately if she had gone that route.

Instead she pulls this tin foil hat media stunt of camping out in front of his ranch and demanding a meeting through the media. When in modern history has this actually worked? It’s like whistling at women walking past a construction site hoping to get laid. It isn’t going to happen that way. Anyone over the age of 14 knows this. Any rational person knows that calling out a famous person thought the media forces that person to ignore you lest it encourage similar behavior.

So what was her real agenda? Meet with President Bush? Not if she was rational. Create a media circus, get a book deal and 15 minutes of fame? More likely.

BTW there are some very good support groups run by military families for people that have lost members. I’ll bet she hasn’t looked for support from any of them.
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