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Old 09-18-2005, 10:42 AM
Masquerade Masquerade is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 49
Default Re: What is the key to becoming a real top player?

I'm on a similar quest. I think the answer is to occasionally make plays that right now you wouldnt dream of making, and would feel highly uncomfortable making, and have no faith in. What those plays are (and different for each player) is harder to discover.

When I played chess I was sometimes asked by weak players what they could do to improve. There are broadly two approaches to opening the game with White so I asked them which they used, and then recommended them switching to the other one. This was merely a test of their willingness to abandon pre-conceived ideas. Incredibly over 90% immediately disagreed with the suggestion and came up with a set of contrived reasons why they couldn't switch. Those players never improved. I don't want to become the poker equivalent.
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