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Old 09-17-2005, 02:51 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The Party Season Begins - Hospitals are Scary

That was me. Your point is? I've started many threads.

She sounds like such a class act.

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Rhonda is a class act. She has a beautful heart and is one of the most caring people I know. She's been one of my best friends for 2 years now. I'm sure if you met her you would like her a lot too.

If college isn't the best time to be an idiot in your life, I'd like to know what is (so I can mark my calendar and look forward to it)....

[/ QUOTE ]

I apologize if I was condescending. The truth is I usually like your posts. It just worries me when people drink to the point of passing out and going to the hospital and the fact that you posted twice about your friends doing this (twice in one week) made me think you guys are idiots. By idiot I mean people who use no common sense.

That being said I am sorry. I'm sure your friend is a true friend with a good heart and I'm sorry that I said she had no class.

I like to party too, I just don't puke when I'm doing it. Pretty sure it would be a turn off to my boyfriend and all his friends if I was puking in the bathroom, in the hallway, on his computer chair and in his bed. But hey who am I to say? To each his own.
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