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Old 09-16-2005, 03:30 PM
Poker Cat Poker Cat is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 14
Default Excellent Advice. Just One Thing . . .

Life can be so unfair.
Where was an author like Ed Miller when I was 26?
To be that smart, so expert at poker -- and be able to explain it so effortlessly, would seem enough of a lucky streak at the genetic lottery. To have wisdom as well? Like I said, not fair.

I almost hate to do this. But there is one point with which I vehemently, savagely, disagree.

If you are in college right now, and find that you are making tons of dough playing poker online, I say QUIT COLLEGE AND PLAY POKER. $50,000 Hummers and $400 hotel rooms are scams, yes. Well guess what -- so is a $300,000 "ijication". College will not improve your social status, "prepare you for working", or even provide much "general knowledge" (and who the hell needs that, anyway?) If you want to socialize, go meet some people for hiking or tennis or whatever. If you want to learn a trade, then go to trade school. Want knowledge? Read a freakin'. You can buy several for 300 grand.

Although Ed is clearly wise for his age, I think this is the one area where his youthful bias shows. Admittedly, social institutions like college seem much more promising to the young. As John Mayer explains, "There's no such thing as the real world -- just a lie you got to rise above."

By the way, if you find yourself in the aforementioned dilemma, how did you learn to play poker? Did you go to Poker College for four years? Took the online course at Poker Tech? Didn't think so. You taught yourself. That's what smart, motivated people have always done. When the next opportunity arises, you'll do it again.

Put down the class list, get online and play. Work, save, buy a house. Read, watch, keep up. You'll do fine.

In case you were wondering, yes, I do have a B.A. in Economics. I've never used it. Make me an offer and it's yours.
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