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Old 09-16-2005, 12:56 PM
dcasper70 dcasper70 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 127
Default Re: It\'s that time of year again!

similar, but different...

a guy is sitting at a bar minding his own business when a pirate walks in.

the pirate sits next to the guy and the guy notices his eye patch, hook, peg leg and full pirate regalia.The man ponders the the different embellishments and thinks baout all the great stories the pirate must have about them, so he strikes up a conversation,

"Hey priate, how'd you get that peg leg?"

"Me leg was taken off by a cannonball!"

"And what about that hook?"

"Arr, a shark 10 foot long ate my hand off!"

"How about the eye patch?"

"Was looking up at the crow's nest, and an albatross shat right in me eye!"

"Wow, is albatross dung poisoness???"

"Nar, matey. Twas the day after I got the hook."
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