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Old 09-15-2005, 11:11 PM
mythrilfox mythrilfox is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 23
Default Re: Moving between limits - question for top players

This is something I've been going through a lot recently. I originally started playing on Empire and built up a nice roll there, but then took a break and got kinda bored and moved to UB.

I had a completely separate roll at UB and started much lower than I'd been used to playing, but at the time I was kinda screwing around and didn't mind. After running ridiculously well I moved all the way up to 5/10 pretty quickly and played there for awhile. But I was so accustomed to moving up so fast that I didn't stop there and started mixing 10/25 in a bit as well, even though (as I've come to realize first-hand), you have to be MUCH higher rolled for the 10/25 games than the 5/10 games, relatively speaking. I've read other posters say that but never really took it heart. I don't even know yet if I'm a winning player there yet, but whether or not that's true, the variance is too much to handle, both economically and mentally. (that is because players are much more aggressive and much more has to go to showdown)

The good run I was on was drying up as well, so I kept trying to force money to come when it wouldn't, making plays in futile situations, and so on. Eventually I took 10/25 out of my repertoire altogether, and kept playing at 5/10, even though 10/25 had dried up my bankroll to the point where I was no longer properly rolled for the 5/10 game. After a few bad beats and some extremely nasty tilt, I tried to cash back in one day and noticed I didn't even have enough for one cash-in. That was a seriously terrifying and humbling experience.

I took a week off and just thought about things and decided I need to play much more conservatively with my bankroll, so now I've almost been relegated to playing 1/2 and 2/4. It's been tough so far to take it seriously, but it's certainly helped put things in perspective. I'm going to move up much slower this time, and make sure I know I can handle the swings psychologically before I do. That's the one aspect of my game that needs the most work, and I wasn't even aware of that fact until I started running bad and my will was truly tested.
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