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Old 09-15-2005, 07:15 PM
x2ski x2ski is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 195
Default Re: Post your pre-game routine

It usually begins as a trickle, with one or two tables opening up. I sit at the tables and deal myself out, expecting to wait until I have 8 good tables running before I start playing.

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Why wait until you have 8 tables open to start playing?

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Because I am trying to avoid this:

Within a few minutes, the tables open up like wildfire, and I'm stuck trying to play hands, select tables, close tables etc.

What frustrates me most is when I've just played the blinds at an "OK" table, and all these tables are opening up and I have 4 Empire and/or Euro tabes open already so I must make the decision to leave "OK" tables in the middle of an orbit while risking sitting down at "even worse" tables, or sitting down at tables that I'm already sitting at (on the other skin). The "let me think about it" button gives you like 5 seconds to think about it, and that thing popping up constantly while I'm in the middle of hands and all this other crap popping up makes me want to pull my hair out.

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And if playing 8 tables is so stressful, why not play just 5-6 tables? If you're not feeling so stressed out, you'll be able to play a longer session and make up for the reduction in hands per hour.

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Playing 8-tables isn't stressful... Getting them all set up is. Hence my OP.

As for my pregame routine, I like to flex the GUNZ in front of the mirror and shout "Who's the Man? Me! IMDAMAN! I'm gonna CRUSH this game punk! Bring it on bitches!"

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Well, this is a given. You absolutely cannot win if you omit this part [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]
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