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Old 09-15-2005, 06:51 PM
Quercus Quercus is offline
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Default Re: Making Pulled Pork

For any decent sized pork shoulder you want eight hours+. If the meat doesn't try to fall apart as you take it out of the heat, it needs more time.

When we make pulled pork, we actually mince it rather than pull it.

We use a cleaver and a clean wooden chopping block. Before taking the meat out, take some sort of jar with a top that can have holes poked in it (a lot of juices come this way). Clean the jar, fill it with about an inch of black pepper, an inch of salt, and fill the rest up with vinegar.

Put a small dish next to the chopping block and fill it with finely crushed red pepper.

While chopping the meat, liberally douse it with the vinegar/salt/pepper combination and sprinkle with red pepper to taste.

Mmmm mmm. I think I'll make some this weekend.
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