Thread: 2-4 decision
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Old 09-15-2005, 02:25 PM
Mackie Mackie is offline
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Default lesson learned the hard way

The correct ruling is player 2 is awarded the pot, however as the floor I would allow the identifiable cards of player 1 to be retrieved if player 2 was indeed hiding his cards, intentionally or not, AND calling in an ambiguous manner as you described. I would go to the camera if necessary.

If player 2's cards or action should have been clearly visible, the floor would be doing player 1 a favor by denying him the pot.

A couple months ago I was playing 6-12 and a young player at the other end of the table was in the habbit of tabling his cards by tossing them up in the air such that they would land face up in the middle of the table. He was warned by one dealer not to do this, but persisted. Sure enough, it cost him. I had AK utg and raised, he called. Flop Kxx I bet, he calls. Turn J. I bet, he raises, I call. Turn blank. Check-bet-call. He flips his cards up in the air the a jack lands in the middle face up. The other card, which I clearly saw was a king, lands on top of the muck face DOWN. Floor is called, rules against him. He asks me to chop the pot with him. I decline. The way I look at it, I was doing that kid a favor. That was the last time I saw him table his cards by tossing them up in the air.

Player 1's error was less extreme than my example, but he should learn to pay attention to how many players are in the pot, whether he's drinking or not.
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