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Old 09-15-2005, 12:08 PM
Trix Trix is offline
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Default Re: Rate my rivers...

1. I think itīs pretty rare that he just check-calls a flushdraw on the flop and I dont see many other hands that you can beat. maybe JT or such with a heart, but I think you are behind too often to call at 4.25:1.

2) I dont 3bet the river. I dont see how that card should have helped him, so he either has some slowplay which I dont like my chances against or some total BS, XcXc though Iīd image he would pop that on the turn more often if he wanted to bluff at it.

3) I always complete here, is that a leak?
I dont think my equity is that great and you can get people to make pretty large errors after the flop when keeping the popsize smaller.

I think he has plenty of straightdraw hands that missed to call the river if you check.

Betting may fold Kx, but I dont think he gets to the river unless itīs Kdxd, meaning he had a backdoor and his Kx probably canīt be bigger than K6, since K7 would have paired and the higher ones I think he would open with.
So thats 3 hands. Since the pot is 6BB, he would have to bet a hand you beat 6 times as often as he has Kxd and folds to make check-calling better.
There are lots of offsuit hands among his straightdraw range, so I dont think that will be a problem.
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