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Old 09-15-2005, 12:07 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Evil Dead - Starring Ashton Kutcher

What the hell???

Sam Raimi not directing it sucks.

I at first was outraged about Ashton Kutcher, but actually if he doesn't play as totally dumb as usual, there is something to his style that fits. I just don't like him all that much.

I'm not sure who could replace Bruce Campbell, really.

And I sure as hell am not sure why this movie should be remade. It's one of the best horror flicks of the last 20 years and one of the better ones ever, and the director even bizarrely enough basically directed the same movie twice when he came out with number two in the series.

I just wish more people could or would see the first one, and that it could still be as new and fresh to them today as it was to me and everyone else I talked to when I first saw it. By now the Lovecraftian themes it was pretty unique in popularizing are everywhere and have become a cliche.

This movie was great. I don't see what an Ashton Kutcher version, with a different director, would add or improve.

Hell, the way Raimi milked his tiny budget and single location and set was part of the virtuosity in the first place.
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