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Old 09-15-2005, 09:19 AM
Crooked Paul Crooked Paul is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 39
Default Re: Using drugs to enhance ur tourney game?

Taking something mild like melatonin to get a good night's rest before/during a long MTT makes perfect sense to me. Absolutely nothing makes me play worse than being dead tired.

But taking stimulants or even drinking too much caffeine seems like it would be counter-productive. I've heard rumors that a lot of low- and mid-level pros do cocaine (not sure if this is true). That especially seems like suicide in a live tourney, if for no other reason than the blow would amplify your tells, making you way too chatty/fidgety.

As for weed, I'm for it. Sorry Lloyd, I know it's illegal, but any objective evaluation of the facts shows that marijuana is far less harmful than alcohol or nicotine, Uncle Sam's pet drugs. As other posters have said, everyone reacts differently, but I find that when I play poker high I get very, very good intuitive reads on other players, and I bluff and use position much more effectively. Good times.

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