Thread: DrDizzOOM
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Old 09-15-2005, 08:22 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Sincerity

lets be honest. most of you are not critical players. you take whatever you read or whatever strange notions you get in your head to be LAW. you DO NOT test any of it. you do not question. that is why your play is static and easy to read. you will never develop in poker or in life that way.

there are certain guidelines that help at the poker table. the main one being: pay attention to the current situation. that is always number one, not: how do i play AJo UTG. DanS, Drontier, aK13 , michael "pimp" davis, VarianceGod, all of you need to think about your play more than you do the rules you have learned from others.

so far this has been rather one sided seeing as you know who i am and i dont know who you are. if you want to PM me your name i can check stats and tell you how you did against me. otherwise be brave and say your name on the forum. be interesting to see what happens. look forward to hearing from you.

hope this post doesnt need to get edited, not that i should be compared to him but, did izmet ever get edited?

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