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Old 09-14-2005, 09:48 PM
Zeno Zeno is offline
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Default Re: NO gun confiscation

Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

__________________________________________________ __________________

In Colonial times and throughout all of American History people have kept arms for a variety of reasons and certainly held that it is an inherent right.

The second amendment simply enumerates one reason for allowing firearms in the hands of the people: the maintaining of a militia. The framers thought it necessary to explain this right in the context of formation of a militia, which was a common means of defense before the US had organized armed forces.

So in 1791 this could have also have been an amendment - A well fed household, being necessary for the welfare of children, the right to use firearms shall not be infringed.

But back to the 10th amendment. If you wish to construe the 2d has only meaning firearms are for militia purposes, there is still no doubt that in the America of 1789 it was a reasonable assumption that most people considered owning a firearm a right. Thus the 10th would applied and the 2d was put in to add that owning firearms necessary for a militia would at times be necessary for the people, that is, the people would own and use Military type weapons. So you see, I tend to agree with you Andy. I need even more and bigger and better weapons. Let’s form a militia.

But we have been down this road too many times before.


PS. I won't be able to post for awhile. Have fun with this - again.
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