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Old 09-14-2005, 08:27 PM
LotsOfOuts69 LotsOfOuts69 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 235
Default Jumping into a pool of Jello...

OK, inspired by the rebirth of the 5 year olds discussion, this is an arguement that me and my friends have had for the last 10+ years.

Here's the situation, lets say you jumped off a diving board into a pool full of jello. Assume a large pool with about 10 feet of depth. The jello is solid, not cubed.

Would you survive?? We have had arguements over thought of would you even break into the jello, would you get suspended in mid pool and be unable to move. Could you climb out if you were suspended midway down. Would the jello close up above you and suffocate you? Could you get to the side of the pool and climb out that way.

Anyway, don't know if this will catch on, but its open for discussion...
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