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Old 09-14-2005, 01:45 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Don\'t care what anoyone thinks about you? then STFU.

The one that bugs me is, "I don't judge" or "I don't want to judge," or "Don't be judgmental."

Everybody judges everything, all the time. Saying or pretending anything different is just a slimy attempt to get out of having any convictions you might be held to or judged by yourself, a way of waiting to pick your sides until you see who's winning, a way of being dishonest with yourself and others and wanting us to play along and join the bullsh*tters club so we can all be full of baloney together, a way to encourage social conformity even when it's damaging, irresponsible, or pointless, a cheap, hypocritical, particularly craven form of one-upsmanship made at no risk and without accomplishment. It's a coward's way out disguised as sophistication or even-handedness. I can't recall ever seeing anyone say this who I admired for saying it or indeed who didn't look smaller for trying to foist it on others. It's almost impossible to say well.
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