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Old 09-14-2005, 02:52 AM
coltrane coltrane is offline
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Default Re: Hand vs. Fsuplayer

your flop raise was much too small...I would've made it double what you did, maybe still have lots of money behind and a bigger raise gets some money in the pot, gives you more information about his hand, and if a big raise seems like a "scared raise" from his perspective he might even raise you back with some kind of combo draw.....

if he calls a big flop raise, he obviously likes his hand enough to keep playing - it's time to start thinking about what he might have (especially with that turn card)....could he have 87?....remember, he led at the flop - would he do that with 87?....perhaps if he had 8s7s, but that's monster hand on the flop, did he look like had a monster? - remember he led for a pretty small amount, what does that mean for him?......

based on answers to these questions, I might either make a sizable bet on the turn (remember the pot would be much bigger now with a bigger flop raise) with the intention of folding to a raise (if you know he won't raise without the nuts here) or with the intention of calling any raise (if he's very capable of semi-bluff raising a combo draw); rarely I might check behind if I thought there was a very good chance he had either 87 or not a big hand with the intention of filling up or picking off a bluff.....
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