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Old 09-13-2005, 08:23 PM
Johnny Richter Johnny Richter is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 113
Default Los Angeles illegal immigrants - crosspost

So, city councilman Bernard Parks has proposed the ordinance that all major home-improvement stores (Home Depot, Lowes etc) be required to build shelters for "day laborers" (better known as illegal alliens) equipped with bathrooms and running water for all day laborers looking for work in the area. And the money for this comes out of the pockets of the stores because Parks belives that "This multimillion-dollar business ignores the fact that these problems are created by the stores."

First, how the hell is this created by the stores when they gather on the street corner infornt of the business. Second i believe this whole idea is just abusurd. CA as a state is being overrun with people as it is, and now we want to make it more comfortable for the people who are living here illegaly to profit in our state?

This suggestion from Parks comes one week after an illegal alien was cut off on Sierra Highway and decided to "road rage" and get infront of the car, then proceed to swerve back and forth into oncoming traffic and hit and killed a paramedic riding a motercycle on his way home from work. The illegal had a long rap sheet, including multiple felony convictions and one deportation, but still had a VALID CA drivers licence.

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