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Old 09-13-2005, 10:20 AM
gergery gergery is offline
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Default Floorman ruling - you make the call

Had this happen at a B&M casino. What is the correct floorman ruling here?

I limp ($5) in early position with QQ, the whole table calls, BB pops it to $20, I raise to $65. Flop comes down K74. He checks, and I check.

Turn comes A diamonds, and he pushes all-in for $110. I curse my luck, uncap my cards and push them forward to the middle of the table. It's obvious I fold (and obvious I'm weak-tight, but that's a different story).

But then before the dealer can take them (and before they touched the muck), someone at the other end of the table mumbles something, and the dealer started counting the cards in the muck. He goes thru them and then says that he didn't burn a card. So he pulls the Ace off the table and puts it in the muck. So I pull my cards back, and he then turns the Qs over for the turn card. My opponent says, "doesn't matter, I'm all-in". Of course, it matters a lot to me, and I immediately call all-in. My tricky, loose opponent shows Qc 8c. The river comes the 7c, so he makes his flush, but I make my boat, so they push the money to me.

Of course, my opponnet is not at all happy, and calls the floorman. Several of them come over and want the detailed explanation. so as usual, several people give crappy confusing explanations of what happened. They ask me several times, "So you pushed your cards forward and said fold?", and I am smart enough to say "No", which happened to be true. We go back and forth, and its clear everyone there knows my opponnet Bill, and I'm a little concerned he's going to get the 'regular's call', sorta like Michael Jordan always got the ref's call.

What is your decision as floor?

Floor looks confused and then says "I think its split pot" quietly, dealer says split pot, and so then I tell my opponent lets just split it. I think that's sort of fair using moral principles, but I think the rules were more in my favor and in retrospect maybe i should have argued more for my case. what do you think?

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