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Old 09-12-2005, 11:26 PM
squallA964 squallA964 is offline
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Default Re: i cant tell if i suck or not

I'd step away from poker for a week or two. This helped me alot in a similar situation. Try to analyze what you were doing to win and what you're doing now. Personally, I started thinking I was a little better than I actually was, and started lowering my starting hand requirements and playing certain hands out of position. For example, when I had started building my bankroll up, I played hands like 98s only in late position, so that I knew that I'd be last to act after the flop, and only when I knew I'd get great action if I hit the flop. When I was going downhill, I got too full of myself and started playing those hands out of position, because I thought I could read people post-flop well enough to not get burned. Of course, I started getting burned often. It was only when I stepped away that I realized what the hell I was doing.

When you have a bad run, it never hurts to go back to the basics. Play tight with good starting hands to regain confidence, even if you become a little predictable. Then open up your game from there.
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