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Old 09-12-2005, 01:11 PM
lastcoyote lastcoyote is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 23
Default Re: how many buddies on your list?

I have about 80 buddies on my list. Alot of them bust out or change limits or hide themselves so usually I can find only 3-6 during evening hours when I play.

I'm not a hard core dataminer but I will datamine 8 tables or so overnight once or twice a week and also some weekend days. If my buddies get hard to find I go into PT and sort all of the players by VPIP. If they have a VPIP > 60 and have more than 50 hands or so in the last couple of weeks I manually add them to my buddy list. Seems to keep the supply fresh enough.
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