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Old 09-12-2005, 02:44 AM
tom441lbk tom441lbk is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 111
Default Hilarious 3 girl situation.......awkward

First contribution to OOT forum

This is very sketckily adapted from an aim conversation, names have been removed for the protection of others, hope you enjoy
(background, soph in college, living off campus

4 characters
girl #1
girl #2
girl #3
so anyway
girl #1, have hung out with her, kinda on the verge of a relationship with her, but the past week or so she has been really busy with class/ pledge stuff so it was looking a little sketchy without really talking to her
or anything
girl #2, a friend from the dorms last year, told her about this girl, and the problems
and it kinda started to develop that she was flirting with me and stuff
kinda like that
i hung out with her, all day on tues(skipping class) both of us
girl #3
she was the girl that I hooked up with
and it happend twice :-[
she forced herself upon me the second time, to be honest
so anyway
thursday night talking to girl#1 online
and she says she’ll call me if she gets free from all of her weekend commitments
so gametime comes around(college football)
i really don't have anyone to go with
so i go with girl #2 and her roommate and another dude, from down the hall in their dorm
and i've been pondering going out with her instead
so anyway
they are going to meet some people also at the game
that were in the same dorm, or friends
so we get to game and settle down
so anyway, the people they were meeting show up, and girl #3 is hanging out with them, i'm liek AHAH@$#(*!$()$8 weird
so they sit down with us….5 minutes pass
then girl #1 calls me
a little before the start of the game
asking where i'm sitting
and then she says she'll come by later like 3-4 quarter
so she calls @ end of 3rd quarter
and comes and sits with us as well
and girl #2 knows this is girl #1
and she whisper/askes me
even though she had seen a pic of her
so anyway
girl #1 notices girl #3, they went to high school together, and semi knew each other, common friends
and so she goes and talks to her
and all the time i'm sweatin' like a prostitute in church

Just thought some people would get a laugh outta this(i think i got everything in)
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