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Old 09-11-2005, 07:44 PM
baggins baggins is offline
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Default Re: What You Protestants Don\'t Seem to Get

"When you profess faith in any belief system, whether religious, mathematical or scientific, you start out with certain premises or axioms which by definition cannot be proved to certainty, but the evidence for same is enough for you, espcially if you believe you possess personal evidence that tips the scales"

i don't profess faith in any belief systems. I have given my heart and my life based on my Faith in the Living God. there is a difference.

If you believe in me as a teacher and a leader, and you trust me, then it doesn't matter that other people interpret my teaching and leadership methods in varous, and often conflicting ways. what matters is that your faith rests in me, and that you follow me.

the same goes for my Faith in God. I learn from the preachers in my church, and others I discuss my faith with. I learn from Catholic and Baptist and Lutheran and Covenant and non-denominational teaching. I don't believe any of them have a stranglehold on Truth. but, I don't believe that is the point, either. I believe the point is to live our lives as fully devoted followers of Christ, and to live by the 2 simple commandments that He emphasized: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, your mind, and your strength. and Love your neighbor as yourself. if you can follow those 2 things, you don't have to worry about commandments and special purification laws and whether or not you baptize your child as an infant or whether its ok to pray to Mary or sell indulgences or speak in tongues. I think the biggest weapon in Satan's very real and very potent attack on the Body of Christ (the church, ALL who believe in Him) is that of getting people mixed up and fighting over theology and politics. it takes the focus squarely away from the main point, which is to love Jesus and serve other people (through meeting their needs and leading them back to God).

we can argue about which doctrines are better, and the truth and historicity of those doctrines, and the political ramifications, but we'd be missing the point.

i hope that makes sense. at least enough for you to see where i am coming from.
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