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Old 09-11-2005, 06:09 PM
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Default My line

Thank you for answering. I hate to reraise other bigstacks with other hands than aa/kk. I do it very very rarely. Im 4tabling so he could now this. And i could have missed him.

OK i folded.

So why did i fold.

I cant see how he could have called 18bb more with aqs but who knows. My first guess here is he holding AA. If he push preflop he would loose me. Other villians surprising overcall have to bee 77-jj or ak i guess. I think he just called and autopushed any non a flop.

Since my hand is very defined already, would he probarly not pushed qs, but if he thinks im gonna call anyway its not imposssible.

AA fits to the hand he would never fold, and lets do it easystrategy.

The only hand besides KK i like too see if i had called is AKs, and that the reasons too call. Im not supposed to let my overpair go, so pushing without the goods seems unlikely?

I think this one is close, and I had called with aces. I hated to fold overpair too that odds but it seem right too me.

I usally always pay off with my overpair vs trips and i have seen a few players pot it vs me with toptrips.

I like too raise my aa and kk enough to get out junk.

He never showed his hand, but he typed in "strange" in the chatwindow when i folded.

Mr Blopp

Ps does anybody play regularly at betsson please contact me.
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