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Old 09-11-2005, 04:46 PM
m1illion m1illion is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
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Default Re: A support out troops thread on this 9/11 anniversary.

I think it would be nice if we could say a few words in support of our troops in the War against Terrorism.

Let's leave discussion of the conduct of the war to the many other threads and just show our appreciation of the courage and willingness of our soldiers to do the work for freedom that needs to be done from time to time.

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Allow me to paraphrase what you really mean:

Will the dirty liberals put aside their traitorous criticism away for a day so we can get together and do something tangible to support our troops? For instance, perhaps we can make some posts on an internet message board.

On every other day, real Americans will tolerate dirty liberal criticism; but on today, of all days, real patriots will stand up and post our support on an internet message board, because, like all things in life, your ability to type out your support on an internet message board is what truly matters, and constitutes enough sacrifice for all red-blooded Americans. Don't let it interrupt your 4-tabling on Party, or surfing TownHall, or checking to see how your fantasy football team is doing every 5 minutes. Just whenever you get around to it, let's post here and show our troops how much we really care.

Maybe we can even take a few moments out of our day and slap a yellow-ribbon on the back of our cars, too? I think that just might turn the tide against the insurgency and get our boys home safe and sound.

If that kind of support doesn't work, what else will?

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Just to clatify your meaning Dv.
Dear US soldier,
Just a note to say we are thinking of you and we are hopeful for your speedy and safe return.
We understand that your in a war zone for no discernable reason and we are working hard to point out the mistake made in the last election. We are sorry that you have been put in jeapordy because you were sent to war " with what you have" instead of equipping you properly. The recent hurricane in New Orleans is helping to further define how incompetent the current government is and we are sure that, We the People, can see that changes must be made.
We must give you some bad news and our apologies up front. It seems that recruiting is just not going well for your branch. Despite our "red state" majority the kids just don't seem to be all fired up about helping you out. So its possible you may have to do an extra tour. I know your on your extra tour now, sorry.
Keep your chin up and your head down. this can't go on forever, can it?

Much love,
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