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Old 09-11-2005, 04:04 PM
prana prana is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 147
Default Re: Myth Busters: Marijuana aka Pot aka Mary Jane aka etc.

- it depends on certain factors, how often you smoke, how much water you drink, etc. so it can take quite some time if you are constantly dehydrated and not CONTINUOUSLY flushing your body.

-actually it does matter what kind of pot you smoke. Lower quality "shwag" lasts longer in the body. It has more of the cannibinoids sp? that get you "stoned" and not "high". Higher quality marijuana has a better chance of leaving your system faster. I had montyly tests on probabion a few years ago. If you are really interested in smoking and passing these tests with a few days eat 2 GNC "cleansing formula" pills twice a day. I take these anyway as they really help clear the body of toxins and make me feel much healthier. On top of this you have to be very diligent about water intake. Quit smoking 3 or 4 days before your test and start drinking ALOT of water. On the day of your test drink as much water as you possibly can. Also take a B vitamin pill to turn your urine yellow. I think it's B6, maybe B2 it's been a few years but you can easily look this up. Piss before you go in for your test as you should have drank so much water that you will be bursting by the time you actually do the deed. This got me through 18 months probation, actually about 15 because I tried those other test pure things they sell at head shops and failed twice. I also tried not to smoke alot. I had friends do this method and quit only 2 days before, I wasn't that brave though.
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