Thread: quiet
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Old 09-11-2005, 09:17 AM
Tommy Angelo Tommy Angelo is offline
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Location: Palo Alto
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Default quiet

Recently I played a few days in a row during the daytime and evening at Lucky Chances. I haven’t been playing there all that much in the last year, and when I do, it’s almost always in the morning. So during these day sessions, I ran into lots of friends I had not seen for a while.

The typical questions I got asked were, “Where you been? How you doing?”

My stock reply was, “I got married and I am currently living happily ever after.”

I’d like to talk about talking. When I observe the changes in my poker game, starting all the way back in high school, right up until now, I see a gradual decrease in the number of words I speak while seated at a poker table. It used to be I’d never shut up. Thirty years later and now I never speak up. It’s not because I lost my tongue. And it’s not because I bite my tongue. It’s because I’ve already said everything there is to say at a poker table, a million times, a million ways.

On day three at LC I was back into the local loop to where I was no longer exchanging Hey-good-to-see-you-again’s with most of the staff and some of the players. I was sitting there, playing mum poker, when a buddy of mine who I hadn’t seen in a while sat down in the game. He saw me and he revved up. “Hey Tommy! How you been lately?”

The guy sitting next to me spoke up on my behalf and replied, “He's been quiet.”

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