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Old 09-10-2005, 10:27 PM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: Another principled conservative tells it like it is

I think it'll be a lot like the Monica Lewinsky Scandal, though obviously a lot more severe since getting a blowjob isn't quite up there with a natural disaster that kills people -.... - besides, we impeach for blowjobs, not for mental incompetence to do one's job.

This will be the defining moment of GWB's presidency - when people look back, they'll say it was an inept and bumbling administration that finally paid the price when Katrina came thru - - rescue workers already call the flooded portions of New Orleans "Lake George"

and any possible good that this administration might have done (and you'll have to look hard to find it) will be totally obliterated by the way this Executive Branch handled the situation, from bungled dispatches to handing out cherry positions in FEMA to political allies with no experience.

it's too bad so much destruction had to happen to open people's eyes to the incompetence of this adminstration, but then, if you keep getting behind the wheel when you are in no condition to operate it, you're eventually gonna crash it into something.

In a way, something like this was bound to happen sooner or later - maybe now, we have time to expose the facts and rectify it in 2008

On another side note, I think the press is finally getting some balls - CNN is suing to be allowed to cover the recovery/rescue process -

(the side story - FEMA was banning them from covering operations of body retrieval, but CNN got a restraining order - apparently they can cover the Southeast Tsunami and Iraq, but when it's not politically expediant, we try to keep them from counting our own dead - not this time)

Anderson Cooper is definately one of my new favorite commentators -

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