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Old 09-10-2005, 09:51 PM
benkahuna benkahuna is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
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Default Re: Myth Busters: Marijuana aka Pot aka Mary Jane aka etc.

Never trust rumors about illicit drugs. The lack of research by the government (or even allowing of research) and sensationalist commercials by non-scientific morons like Partnership for a Drug Free America and the overadjustment by drug subculture has resulted in a very large amount of misinformation. This information comes in overzealous warnings and inadequte concerns. It's shameful because people are not allowed to make informed decisions and genuine health concerns (from the few drugs that cause physical health problems) are overlooked. Even Dr. Drew has his BS. He's solid as far as I've seen except for LSD which he claims causes MDMA type neurotoxicty despite there being no research to indicate that's the case at all. (and additionally recent problems surfacing with the MDMA research as well).

Try to find a source backed by peer-reviewed, double-blind, placebo-controlled research. Look for citations from reputable scientific journals.

Marijuana is quite fat soluble so it has a tendency to linger in the body as fat soluble materials are not rapidly circulated out of the body. They should almost not call it drug testing and just call it marijuana testing.

Marijuana detection is dose and frequency of use dependent. There are a variety of tests with differing levels of sensitivity. The results cited from wiki, based on my loose recollection of reading a few sources on the matter, sounds like the upper limit for a habitual user.

People have experienced mixed results with a variety of counter-detection methods, including diuretics. Your best bet is to make friends with the tester or produce a clean sample (remember they typically test the temperature as well). I'm normally not an advocate for defrauding people, but in this case it's pretty much discrimination. While people may forget things with a greater frequency and be less motivated. Also, beware chocolate as it has a number of cannibinoids in it as well. It could cause false positives (and could also be a good excuse if you fail a test). I don't know, but it seems unlikely that marijuana detection assays would be specific enough to delta-9-tetrahydrocannibinol (THC) that other cannibinoids wouldn't be detected. Maybe I should take that back. GC/MS (gas chromatography, mass spectrometry is pretty damn specific).

Many people perform well under the influence of pot. NASA doesn't drug test because they have a "unique workforce." And Kary Mullis, a habitual pot user and advocate for its use, came up with PCR, one of the most useful techniques for work in genetics ever. Users are probably around you and working compentently under the influence and you don't even know it.
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