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Old 09-09-2005, 09:31 PM
Alobar Alobar is offline
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Location: Tempe, AZ
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Default Re: prank phone calls

hahah, nice story

I've got one (tho not as good)

When I worked at little ceasers, one of the bank of phones had the same number as the local post office, just a different prefix (I lived in a small town, all numbers started either 885 or 887). But it wasnt the first phone in the que, so whenever it rang when none of the other phones were in use, we knew it was a wrong number. We called it the post office phone.

Anyway, so I worked the day shift, and all of us were in our teens and the manager himself was only 20, so bascally we screwed around all the time. So one day the post office phone rings and the manager picks it up and says "hello, post office, how can I help you" then he pauses and starts saying "oh my god, there is a man here with a gun, I think we are getting robbed" and immediately one of the other guys jumps right in and starts screaming in the background "EVERYBODY GET ON THE [censored] GROUND". Then the manager hangs up the phone. hehehe, funny.

Well like 20 minutes later the cops show up, apparenly the guy called the police to say the post office was being robbed. And after they no doubt stormed the PO and realized there was no robbery, they either traced the call, or just figured out what prolly happened. Yeah, lets just say no one ever did that again.
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