Thread: Ingrown toenail
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Old 09-09-2005, 08:52 PM
SuitedSixes SuitedSixes is offline
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Default Re: Ingrown toenail

I am the ingrown toenail master!

I once had one that actually grew through the top (front) of my toe. It looked like a blood blister, but when I put pressure on it, the nail popped through.

Non-insurance options (not healthy, but cheap):
Infection is your friend. Once you get some of the pus out, you'll have room to work with to dig it out. I cut vertically as much as I can, grab the loose end with pliers and pull.

Insurance options:
I've had the removal procedure probably five times. They'll put two injections at the base of your toe (which hurt like hell, you can feel the pressure of the liquid on the inside bottom of your toe). Once you are numb they'll start jabbing more shots in your toes, but by then you don't care. Then they'll cut straight down the middle and remove the bad half. I was miserable for five days after I had it done the first time. Subsequent times have not been bad at all, and I was mad that I waited getting it done.

If it is chronic, they can cauterize the nail bed which also hurts like hell. They'll do the procedure as above, but then stick some junk on a wooden q-tip and jab it in to where your nail used to be. I haven't had to go back in since I had this done.
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