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Old 09-06-2003, 10:03 PM
frizzfreeling frizzfreeling is offline
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 58
Default Re: 15-30 Hand To Discuss (Long)

With Ax suited, I do not see a profitable play calling two bets cold, no matter how many are in the pot with you. Although this hand is great for a loose passive game, you are destroying your implied odds when calling a raise, and this is the type of hand that relies on implied odds to make money. A good time to play this hand is in an unraised pot where a few players are already in and you expect at least 5 to the flop. Get in cheap!
On the flop, I think your check was excellent. With a tight group it may be correct to bet hoping to steal the pot, but it will almost never work in a loose passive game such as yours especially with 4 opponents on the flop. So, why not take a free card?
On the turn, a call would probably worked better. The BB and MP are surely not going to both fold and you are also looking at a possible reraise from the BB, who may have been hoping for a check raise on the flop, which didnt turn out. What are the chances that neither player have nothing worth one more bet?
I dont see any real problem with your river raise although I think I may have just called here as well, since he is showing strength by betting after you raised him. There are just too many hands that he could have that could beat you, and very few that wont. You were really looking for a flush card here to cinch things up. Although the ace looks good, its really not that hot in this situation.
Im definitely not advocating being a calling station. But in this hand there was way too much that could go wrong. A lot of my advice for calling has to do with you mentioning that your opponents were pretty loose. In a tight game it could be played a lot different.
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