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Old 09-09-2005, 06:38 PM
SirFelixCat SirFelixCat is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 63
Default Re: Any Albuquerque folks playing this Labor Day wknd?

I SO hear you regarding the variance in that game. But you are right...I KNOW that I can win money there, I just don't have the time to be able to take the swings in stride. If I lived in town and was able to come back the next day or whatnot, it would so much more profitable. But, alas, it is not to be...yet.

The very encouraging thing that I did see there was a few players who were in my game, whos game I respect, were in a similar boat as me. The 2 maniacs at the table had some swings, but the deck was just smacking them something awful. Not much you can do in those instances other than try to wade it out or quit and come back another time. That leads me to the previously mentioned problem of not being able to return often. So goes life.

As far as the tourneys go, they seemed better than the normal $35+$5's as the structure was better. T2000 instead of T1500 and 30 min levels. And plenty of horrendous play, esp in the NL tourney on Monday. Capped at @200 players, so that ment only 5% get paid. Not a big fan of that, but again, I did not play in them.

As far as posting a few hands, I will do this, probably on my blog, when I get home late tonight from work. I'd love some feedback on them.

Talk soon.
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