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Old 09-09-2005, 05:37 PM
Fishwhenican Fishwhenican is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: SE Montana
Posts: 42
Default Re: people that are vegetarian

I eat meat because I am am Omnivore, as are all human beings!

I do not have anything against vegitarians. If someone prefers to not eat meat that is simply their choice and that is fine.

As a matter of fact, I LOVE vegitarians. I eat them all the time!!!

Look, just do not be a vegitarian that attacks my wanting to eat meat for some stupid altruistic reasons. We are made to eat meat. It is perfectly natural and a part of what we are.

I prefer to eat what I kill myself. My family and I eat mainly Deer, Elk, Antelope and the fish that we catch. It is a very rare occasion that we are eating any other meat product when we are at home, other than the occasional Pork product or when we run out of Elk Burger and have regular beef hamburgers on the grill. I have an intimate relationship with my food. I saw it when it was alive. I shot it with either my bow or rifle. I watched it die. I gave thanks to that animal for the gift of life it gives to me and my family. I got my hands bloody with it's blood while I field dressed it. I worked to get it out of the woods (which is really not the most fun part usually). I relive this experience each and every time I pull a package of meat out of the freezer and look at the label to see which animal it was. I remember the experience and all that went into it. I LOVE animals!

Man, all this talk is making me hungry for a very rare, thick, juicy elk steak!

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