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Old 09-09-2005, 01:23 PM
Huhmare Huhmare is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Finland
Posts: 137
Default Re: Putting Coke in Freezer to cool faster?

Somehow I seem to attract people who love to argue over whether a soda can will in fact get cold quicker if you put it into the freezer instead of the fridge. After having just listened to two of my friends basically scream at each other for almost an hour and not come up with a more nuanced argument than "it does" " it doesn't" I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some science to shut them up.

I'm familliar with google, I did several searches and found nothing of note.

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you have some dumb friends.

do a science experiment and find out for yourself. Have your friends bet large sums of money on it. (make sure and put your money on the freezer).

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At this point I propably draw myself out of betting. There is always some catch and it's -EV to bet for the obvious choice...

I believe the freezer is the right choice, but you never know....
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